Grilled Banana split!

Number of servings: 4 banana splits

Method: Combined
Temperature: Combined
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Grilling Time: 8-10 minutes


Grilled bananas give a whole new dimension to banana splits. Just think: If the soda fountains of old had used grilled bananas in their "splits" they might just still be around. Dangit!


The sauce:

4 tablespoons butter

2 1/2 dl tightly-packed brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

8 tablespoons heavy cream


  1. Place butter, brown sugar and cinnamon om in a small saucepan.

  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

  3. Remove the pan from the burner and stir in the cream.


Next step:

4 bananas, unpeeled and split lengthwise

3 different types of ice cream (the classics are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry)

Walnuts or pecans, toasted in a dry skillet

Whipped cream


  1. Dab some oil on a paper towel and grease the grill grate.

  2. Place the bananas (with skin on) on the grill (slit side down).

  3. Barbecue the bananas for 2-3 minutes.

  4. Turn the bananas over and then brush the bananas with a little of the sauce.

  5. Continue barbecuing the bananas a few more minutes while intermittently brushing with the sauce.

  6. Remove the bananas from their peel and cut them into pieces.

  7. Scoop ice cream in 4 bowls. Add in the banana pieces, more of the sauce, nuts, or candy and top with whipped cream.


Tips: If you are serving the banana splits to the kids you might want to replace the nuts with some M&Ms or another popular candy.