Tom’s Grilled Salt Cod

Number of Servings: 4 people

Method: Combined
Temperature: Combined
Preparation Time: 30 minutes, (excluding soaking the fish to remove excess salt, a process which can take up to a few days)
Grilling Time: Approx. 15-20 minutes


I have a "food-wine-music" friend named Tom. Tom loves King Crimson and he loves grilled salt cod. He is also a real life wine expert. I also love King Crimson and as an adult I became acquainted with Norwegian salt cod, which I also love. This version of Tom’s fish dish has a bit of a South American flair (Tom loves the wines of South America and has spent a lot of time there), so prepare to enjoy what might soon be one of your grill favorites.


4 solid pieces of salt cod, without bones and skin (soaked until the salt level is where you like it; see tips below) 

a little olive oil for brushing

ground black pepper


  1. Dry the fish with paper towels.

  2. Brush the fish with oil and add some ground pepper.

  3. Grill the fish pieces over medium high heat until you achieve a good color and the fish pieces slip the grate.

  4. Turn the fish pieces over and repeat.

  5. Move the fish to indirect heat, replace the lid, and cook until they are finished. Check by using a small sharp knife and a fork to carefully check inside the fish.


Serve with chimichurri (see recipe page?). Replace the parsley with cilantro in the chimichurri or use a bit of both. I would love a rice and bean side dish with the salt cod. And if the tomatoes are ripe, go for it!



Use good, meaty slices of dried fish. It can often take a few days of repeated cold water rinsing for the salt level to be right where you want it. It requires minimal effort but gives maximum flavor. Follow package instructions or even better ask your fishmonger.