Top 10 Tips
There are so many good barbecue tips and you will find many of them throughout different places in this book.
The following list, however, includes the top ten tips that anyone who loves grilling should know.
Have fun. There is no mistake on the grill bad enough to ruin the pleasure of grilling. Relax, do not be afraid to mess up once in a while, and enjoy grilling.
Get to know your grill really well. Take it out to the cinema or restaurant. Do whatever it takes to learn all you can about your grill. This will make the challenge of controlling the various temperatures seem insignificant.
When grilling more than a few salmon filets or hamburgers, it is wise to have a plan. The best plans should be written down, checked and double- checked. This will avoid many potential pitfalls.
Keep your grill and your workplace clean. Just like your kitchen, your car and your own body need and deserve care, and so does the grill.
Grill season starts on the 1st of January and lasts throughout the year. There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing, and the sun is not a necessary ingredient for successful grilling.
Learn the use of the cold zone on your grill, not to mention the three different methods of barbecuing. Otherwise, you won’t get everything you can from grilling.
The grill should always stand on a flat surface, far enough away from the house and trees, and be well ventilated.
Sugar is an important ingredient in barbecuing. It is often used in barbecue sauces and marinades. But sugar and "sweet" ingredients like tomatoes and some types of fruit can easily be burned. The best way to avoid burning food is to pay close attention while grilling.
Avoid the ridiculous temptation to open the lid on the grill. There isn’t, and never will be, a treasure chest of gold or a brand new car underneath. Each time the lid is opened, heat is lost which extends the cooking time. The lid should be left on except for the few times you have to check the food while cooking.
There is no such thing as too big a grill, too many grills, "Oh no, not when it's raining," or that food tastes better made in a kitchen.